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Pricenetusa.com�� 1997�� 10��7�� Nevada corporation�̶���̸����� �����Ǿ���.��ȸ��� ���ͳ��� �̿��� ���ڻ�ŷ��� �������� �� �� �ִ� ������� ���� �������� �����ǰ� ȸ�簡 ���� �����Ͽ� �����ѹ� �Һ��ڵ��� �ҸŰ��� ��� 10~70% ������ �� ������ �˾Ҵ�. Pricenetusa.com�� ��ϴ� ���ڻ�ŷ��� SOHO ����ڵ鿡�� ��Ű����� ����Ÿ��� �����Ұ��̴�. ��ȸ��� 1998�� 11�� ���ͳ� ���ڻ�ŷ��� ���������̴� Mr.Sweeney�� �̲��� Fortune21.com�� �պ��Ͽ���. ���ͳ� ���ڻ�ŷ��� 4���̻� �����ؿ� Fortune21.com�� �պ������ν� Pricenetusa.com�� �����ϴ� �κ��� �����ϰ� �Ǿ���. ���� Mr.Sweeney�� ���� ȸ������ ����� �����ϰ� �ִ�.

ȸ���� �߿� �濵������ �Ǹ�, ��ŷ�, �������߱��, ���ͳݼ��� �� ����, ���DZ��� �� ���ŷ��� ���úо��� ��������� �����Ǿ� �ִ�. ȸ��� ���ͳ��� ���� �߼� �����ڵ��� �׵��� ����ϴ� ��ǰ���� �Ұ��ϴµ� �ʿ��� ���ڻ�ŷ� Ȩ������ �ۼ������� Ez2market.com�� �����Ͽ���. ���� ������ǰ �鸸�������� �����ڷκ��� ���� ���� �����ν� ������ �������� ǰ������ ��ǰ�� �Ǹ��ϴ� ���۽���ƿ� ��������ü�� Scoop�� ����� ���ڻ�ŷ��� ������ Ȱ���ϰ� �ִ�.">

PriceNetUSA.com was organized as a Nevada corporation on October 7, 1997. The Company was founded in order to market and operate an internet-based infrastructure that supports a home-based business. The PriceNet model enables consumers around the world to purchase consumer products at retail prices or at a 10%-70% savings. PriceNetUSA.com's E-Commerce Entrepreneurs are provided a turnkey solution with which to operate their home or office-based business. PriceNetUSA.com formed an alliance in November, 1998 with Fortune21.com, an e-commerce, Internet Technology leader founded by Mr. J. Albert (Jim) Sweeney. With over four years development in the fields of Internet technology, e-commerce and online shopping Fortune21.com brought the missing ingredient to PriceNetUSA.com. Mr. Sweeney was appointed to the position of Co-Chairman and Chief Operating Officer.

The Executive management team posseses a varied and complimentary set of experiences including marketing, merchandising, technical systems development, Internet design and management, product procurement and online shopping. The company is dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions for small business owners who wish to present their products and services via the Internet (www.ez2Market.com), and to becoming the world's leader in value-based commerce through the PriceNetUSA.com SuperStore an online direct-from-the-source shopping site with millions of name brand products and PricenetUSA's unique buying cooperative, SCOOP.

ȸ���� ��� Mission

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Our mission is to continuously utilize cutting-edge
technology in providing world-wide access to an
unlimited supply of products, services,
education and information...
and to empower the individual's
entrepreneurial spirit to participate in and profit
from expanding technology and
electronic commerce in the 21st century global village.


Pricenetusa.Net :

Pricenetusa.Net�� �̱� ������ 6000�� �̻��� POP's�� �Ŵ��� �̱� �ִ��� ISP��ü��,�������� �� 19.95$�� ���� ���� 5���� �̸��� �ּҿ� 15�ް�����Ʈ�� ������ Ȯ���� �� �� ��. �ٸ� ��ǰ��� ���� Priceentusa.NET�� �����迡�� Ȱ���ϴ� ��������ڵ鿡 ���� �����ǰ� ���ĵǾ�����. Pricenetusa.Net�� ���� �ʿ��� ������ �Լ� �Ͻʽÿ�.

PriceNetUSA.NET - With over 6,000 POP's across the United States PriceNetUSA.NET has aggregated one of the largest ISP networks anywhere. Service is priced at only $19.95 per month, yet each customer receives five free e-mail addresses and 15 megabytes of storage space. Like all PriceNetUSA.com products, PriceNetUSA.NET is promoted and supported by a nationwide network of Independent PriceNetUSA.com Representatives. Get connected at www.pricenetusa.net.

Ez2market.com :

Ez2market.com�� ���ͳ��� �̿��Ͽ� �ڱ�ȸ���� ��ǰ�� ���迡 �˸������ϴ� �߼ұ���ڵ鿡�� ���� �����ϰ� �ô뿡 �ռ� ����Ʈ�����̴�. Ez2market.com���� ���ڻ�ŷ��� ���ؼ� ��������δ� ���� ���� �鿩�� �ϴ� ������� �⺻�������� ���ԵǾ� �ִ�. ����ǰ��, 2,000��ǰ�� �ø� �� �ְ�, ���� ũ����Ʈī����� �ý��۹� ���˽ý���, �������� ������ �������� ���߷� ����, ��ȣ ��ȯ���� ��ʸ�ũ�ý���, ��������ڷ� Ȯ��, ���������� ������������ ���... ���� ������� �����Ѵ�. ����ǰ�� ���������� www.Ez2market.com���� Ȯ���Ͻʽÿ�.

EZ2Market.com - EZ2Market.com is the world's most advanced and most affordable solution for any small to medium size businesses wishing a fast, yet first-class presence on the Internet. EZ2Market Suites come standard with features usually reserved for e-commerce sites costing many times the price. Each site supports up to 2,000 products, real-time credit card and check processing, customized news feeds, banner link tracking, access statistics, contact lead management and much, much more. Check out the many features at www.ez2market.com.

Pricenetusa.com Superstore :

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PriceNetUSA.com SuperStore - The PriceNetUSA.com SuperStore concept is simple yet extremely dynamic! It is built on the belief that if you provide easily recognized value (a combination of price, convenience, quality, selection, service and security) the customer will come back...over and over again. The PUSA SuperStore is a members-only, direct-from-the-source shopping-extravaganza with hundreds of thousands of name-brand items at super-value prices. The PriceNetUSA.com SuperStore membership is promoted by a worldwide network of Independent Sales Representatives who receive a small commission on the purchases of those individuals they send to the SuperStore. PriceNetUSA.com has solved the dilemma of online shopping, "where do I find the customers?" The all new PriceNetUSA.com SuperStore is scheduled to open in May, 99.

Scoop(�ǸŻ� ����) :

Scoop�� ���� ������ǰ�� �Ǹ��ϴ� ��ü���� ����ü�μ� PUSA ȸ���鿡�� ������ �������� ���� ��ǰ�� ������ �� �ִ� ��ȸ�� �����ϰ�,ȸ������ ������ ��ǰ�� ���ؼ��� ���� ���� �׼��� ������ �����ϰ� �ִ�.

SCOOP (Shopper's Co-Op) - The PriceNetUSA.com Shopper's Cooperative is an affiliation network of independent "store-branded" sites who provide PriceNetUSA.com Members convenient access to a host of products and services at great value. Each of PriceNetUSA.com's SCOOP affiliates tracks the purchases of PriceNetUSA.com Members and remits a small percentage of the selling price back to PUSA. A large portion of these commissions are then passed back to the PriceNetUSA.com Independent Representative force as compensation for promoting the site.

Selectbid.com :

�⵵ 4/4�б⿡ ������ �������� Ư����ǰ���� ��� ����Ʈ�̴�. �ٸ� ����� ���������� ���� ����ڵ��� ���� Ȱ��ȭ �� ���̴�.

SelectBid.com - PriceNetUSA.com will introduce its own unique brand of online auction shopping in the fourth quarter of 1999. Like all PriceNetUSA.com shopping sites, an army of dedicated and enthused PriceNetUSA.com Independent Representatives will promote it.

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